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How to Get the Most Out of Your Home Warranty

Being a homeowner in Texas can be expensive. Aside from homeowners insurance, your property will need a Texas home warranty plan. With a good home warranty, you can rest assured that your appliances and systems will be repaired or replaced without breaking the bank. Below are how you can maximize your home warranty policy.

Contact Your Home Warranty Provider

A breakdown in appliances or home systems can happen at any time. When this happens, calling your home warranty provider first is critical. This will prompt the company to send over a technician as soon as possible, which is part of a home warranty plan’s coverage.

In most cases, contacting the provider of your home warranty plan is easy. Most home warranty providers can grant service requests day and night. However, if they take too long to send a professional technician to your home, you can call an alternative contractor. You can then file your claim later so that your home warranty company can cover the costs.

Reviewing Your Contract

You can maximize your home warranty by reviewing your contract. Make sure you read and understand the coverage and the fine print before calling to make your claim. With your contract in hand, you must explain your request in detail. You can also file a claim if the covered appliance or system damages a section of your home.

You don’t have to contact the provider of your home warranty plan if the appliance or system that needs repair isn’t covered by the policy. By contacting the insurance provider anyway, you’ll be required to pay the service charge even if the repairs did not take place. This will result in a waste of money.         

Being Persistent

Getting in touch with your home warranty company may not be that simple. You may encounter an agent who may be difficult to communicate with. The agent may tell you that your problem is not covered by your policy. In such cases, it is ideal to have your contract in front of you. This will allow you to cite different relevant sections of the contract that could clear your claim.                                                                               

You can ask to talk to the manager if the agent cannot help you. Following up through email can help your situation. Doing this can give you another chance to have your claim cleared if the agent denies your request. You may need to follow up several times.

Being present for the visit is necessary when the home warranty dispatches the service provider. Some of these contractors will go to your house, charge you, and then tell you the service is not covered at all without investigating or checking. If this is the case, point out why it is. Get in touch with the supervisor before paying the fee.

Ask About Your Cash Options

There are some home warranty companies that provide cash payouts for replacing or repairing your appliances and household systems. With cash from the insurance provider, you can then look for a suitable service provider to do the repair or replacement. In some cases, though, the cash provided by the home warranty company may not be enough. You may need to make some out-of-pocket payments for more expensive repairs.

Maintain and Monitor Your Major Appliances

You can also get the most out of your home warranty plan by paying attention to the home appliances. By doing so, you can spot potential issues early. Older appliances and home systems tend to break down faster, and repairing these can be costly. Reporting potential issues with appliances and home systems during the coverage period allows you to make the most of your policy. Doing this will prompt the provider of your home warranty plan to provide a quick solution.

Tempering Expectations

It’s natural to get frustrated if a home warranty plan provider does not approve your request. Avoiding negative feelings will help you have a clear mind in searching for another contractor. Getting repair services for appliances and home systems can be overwhelming for many people. However, it is important to relax and focus on the issue instead.

Maximize Your Texas Home Warranty Plan

Signing up for a home warranty policy ensures that you can get your appliances and household systems expertly repaired. Understanding your contract is part of this effort. Proper communication with providers of a home warranty plan is important in determining the kind of service you get. This will prevent you from paying for a service request your home warranty does not cover.